Beyond profitability, operating, leverage ratios, and valuation - other ways of evaluating the financial health of a company include Economic Value Added (EVA), and assessing growth and productivity.
Like the ratios described above, all of these measures are most meaningful when compared against the same measures for other companies in that particular industry.
Like the ratios described above, all of these measures are most meaningful when compared against the same measures for other companies in that particular industry.
- Economic value added (EVA): This concept was introduced as a way to induce employees to think like shareholders and owners. It is the profit left over after the company has met the Cost of Capital—the expectations of those who provided the capital. (Another way to describe Cost of Capital is that it is the weighted cost average to the company of acquiring debt and equity financing.)
- Productivity measures: Sales-per-employee and net-income-per-employee measures link revenue and profit generation information to work force data. In so doing, they help you assess employees' effectiveness in producing sales and income.
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